The event is held in the Murray Board Room of the Wheelock Student Center, University of Puget Sound.
Address details: 1500 N Warner is on the east side of U of Peget Sound. Wheelock Center parking is on 14th street.
At this event, Eleanor Corey will be sharing slides, reading excerpts, and speaking of the Corey family connection to Tacoma history. Plan to hang around afterwards to meet several of Eleanor’s siblings who are coming to celebrate the book at the hometown of their grandparents. The facility is open all night! This event is sponsored by the Tacoma Historical Society.
Eleanor Corey (Guderian), the author of Sticks, Stones & Songs—The Corey Story, a memoir set in the 1930s to 1950s, is the seventh of ten children. Although raised on the Olympic Peninsula, her roots are deep in Tacoma history. Her father, Arthur Corey, was one of eight children born to Merton Henry Corey, lifetime Tacoma business man, who also served in the earliest Washington State legislatures. The author’s grandmother, Anna Wheelock Corey, starting at the age of 12, helped raise her younger siblings which included Rufus Wheelock, whose family is greatly honored in Tacoma. Anna was one of the original founders of the Washington State PTA. The author’s uncle Al Corey, owned a large Tacoma furniture store.