“Very soon,” I answered.

Some folks my age are beginning to emerge from their quarantine quarters, like bears after the winter. For weeks they’ve had food delivered, stayed the distance, and learned how to wear masks. Perhaps they have used their isolation to catch up with their reading, like Mary did. Here’s an excerpt of what she wrote after experiencing Pots, Pans & Peace—The Legacy of Margaret Corey: “Thank you, Eleanor, for writing another book. Wow, this one certainly brought back years of memories. At Prairie, my husband and I often welcomed your brothers and their classmates. I especially remember the time John enthusiastically ate a lunch of hamburgers and potato chips, and then commented with a grin, ‘potato chips, potato chips, all is vanity!'”

“I also recall your dad visiting us right at meal time. My husband, Tony, had cooked a big dinner of tripe (from the innards of the cow) and we set a plate before Mr. Corey. He took a couple of bites, then asked, ‘Do you have a dog?’ When we nodded, he suggested, “I think the dog would like this better than I do.’ We had a good laugh and found a different dish to serve him.”

Perhaps you too have some thoughts to share. If so, thank you so much for contributing to the conversation.

I am pleased to announce we are now able to take Pots, Pans & Peace into public places. Our first signing and selling event will be on July 26th following the Sunday service at Joyce Bible Church (approximately 12:00 noon). Be assured we will follow whatever rules are in effect at the time.